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Op Nemesis Disclaimer Form

I want to play at SLMF World Wide Ltd & S&J Action Sports Ltd airsoft games and sign this document in consideration of being given the opportunity to engage in this activity. 

I understand that:

  1. The game is physically and mentally intense and may require extreme exertion to play.

  2. The games may be dangerous if not played in accordance with the stated rules which I have read and understood. The use of pyrotechnics is done so at my own risk.

  3. The possibility of injury to myself and others exists.

I confirm and agree that :

  1.  I am fully aware of the risks to myself and others involved in playing at SLMF World Wide Ltd & S&J Action Sports Ltd and that I will never under any circumstances, deliberately shoot anyone in the face or the head.

  2. I am physically fit and mentally able to take the strain and excursion involved in playing the games

  3. I will comply with SLMF World Wide Ltd & S&J Action Sports Ltd rules and use the equipment as instructed and not so as to injure or hurt others and will obey all directions of the marshals or the judges.

  4. I will wear my goggles and not remove them while in a wargame area where the game is being played and may only remove the goggles in areas where the marshals advise. It is my own responsibility if I choose not to wear the recommended eye protection in the form of the full face mask (under 18 MUST wear a full face mask). Shooting glasses I wear at my own risk. If I do not have suitable eye protection I will not be able to take part. SLMF World Wide Ltd & S&J Action Sports Ltd also recommends that you wear long sleeved tops, trousers and suitable foot wear (not trainers or thin soled shoes). You play at your own risk should you choose to ignore this recommendation.


I hereby release, remise and forever discharge from any claims and liabilities whatsoever without limitations, that I might have against SLMF World Wide Ltd & S&J Action Sports Ltd and the owners of the property of which the game is being played. I make this release on behalf of myself, my heirs, executors, assigns and administrators. As well as being responsible for booking issued equipment back in and any debts generated while playing airsoft at  SLMF World Wide Ltd & S&J Action Sports Ltd  i.e site fees/BB's/hire of equipment/damage or loss.

In summary we agree to:

  • Read and listen to the site safety briefing (copy available at booking in desk)

  • Wear suitable footwear

  • Not to run on site

  • To wear face protection in all areas except the safe zones

  • To abide by the site rules

  • Follow marshals instructions

  • Obey the fps limits

  • Only use site approved pyro

  • Should I fail to follow the site rules, that I may be asked to leave the site and forfeit my game fee

To be signed by a parent or Guardian if player is under 18 years of age.

I understand that by submitting this document I am signing a disclaimer form for both

SLMF World Wide Ltd & S&J Action Sports Ltd.


Full address including Post Code & Country

Name and phone number

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